I am lucky to have friends and colleagues who will take the time to read my blogposts and comment on them.  Such was the case with my last post about my tech support fears.  I have had some feedback which made me blush with appreciation.  I was told that I do not come across as someone with hesitations about technology; that I am the go-to person of choice for at least a few of my colleagues; and they've scolded me for thinking less of my abilities than they do.  I should remember that how I see myself, and how others see me, is often different.  In this case, I am fortunate--and humbled--to discover that others see me as tech-literate, a source of knowledge and help (and at the very least, supportive).  So for all my trepidation at not always being able to keep up with the latest technological advances and trends, it's nice to receive a reassuring pat on the back for what I do know--and that I'm appreciated for it.  :-)

Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles, www.freedigitalphotos.net 

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