Another morning spent in the stacks of Anderson Mill Elementary School!  This time, I was on my feet almost the entire morning.  There were loads of books to check in and shelve, students to help, an online resource lesson to teach, and another read-aloud.  With computer practice and checkout going on at the same time, it was great to have the assistant there to help monitor the students.  I was really impressed with the class who heard the read-aloud; they were making connections and asking very insightful questions for second graders listening to a creative nonfiction book.  During the quieter moments of shelving books, the assistant (a degreed librarian herself) and I enjoyed booktalking about our latest reads and to-read lists.

I spent a lot of time in this library last spring, fulfilling the required 130 hours of internship for my MLS degree.  The librarians here and at the Westwood High School library were generous in sharing their time and talents.  Two vastly different settings, collections, and patron populations gave me insight into the full spectrum of the school librarianship experience.  I have professional experience at the secondary level due to my eleven years as ARD facilitator at our district's DAEP and my teaching experience has primarily been at the elementary level, so I've spanned the PreK-12 grades with my "paying gigs" as well.  I have found that good service in the educational setting doesn't differ from one grade level to the next.  Connecting with staff and students is the top priority across the board; otherwise, why bother to come to work?  I love helping students and teachers find the resources they want and need.  This is the same whether I'm teaching, at a desk job, or behind the circulation desk.  Connections make my work relevant, increase my personal learning network and broaden the scope of resources I can provide for others.  Connections, drawing on the expertise of colleagues and students, and sharing all that knowledge is what 21st Century Learning is really all about.  And that makes me smile!

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