This picture was taken during my library internship last spring, and it shows one of my favorite parts of librarianship--sharing books with young scholars.  It is in the same library that I get to substitute, as I did this past Thursday morning.  

I truly enjoy my days in the library.  The routine of booting up the computers and checkout programs is soothing to me.  Greeting student "librarians" as they turn in their class' books, chatting with them about their recent reading, helping teachers find books for their classroom...even inspecting returned books for damage and checking them in just seems productive in ways I don't always experience in the classroom.  Shelving books allows me to catch up on the collection and discover new material; this time, I found out that the librarian and assistant had changed the  arrangements and started putting paperback nonfiction on the shelves with hardbacks, instead of a separate paperback section where they had once been housed.  

It was a very "quiet" day to work.  Only two classes were scheduled to come in that morning, and I had to attend an ARD (Admissions, Review, and Dismissal special education meeting) as part of my "paying job" during the kindergarten time slot,  so the assistant got the pleasure of reading to them.  I did get to read to a second grade class, an Armadillo book selection titled Looking at Lincoln by Maira Kalman, and the students were great at connecting what they already knew about the president to what they heard in the book.  After they left, I started working on checking in a pile of books brought in by the fourth grade, but had to leave shortly after the librarian came back to attend to my afternoon teaching schedule.  

My internship taught me that there is much more to librarianship than circulation tasks and storytime.  But until I get my own library position, I'm happy to continue practicing the basics whenever I get the chance.  What a great Valentine's Day gift, to work in a setting I love! 

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